SIN CITY 2 Will Be Based On "A Dame To Kill For",

2005's SIN CITY was truly a work of art. The Robert Rodriguez-Frank Miller-and-Quentin Tarantino collaboration was a hit among critics and die-hard fans of the comic book. Since then, rumors have been constantly pouring every now and then for the long-awaited sequel. Rodriguez has recently revealed at San Diego Comic-Con that a script was ready and the project could go before cameras before the year's end. Now there's an update from Miller that there are some tinkering still to be done on the script while spring of 2012 is the more realistic start date instead. Apart from that, Miller also confirms that the iconic character of Nancy Callahan (Jessica Alba) and Marv (Mickey Rourke) will make an appearance for the second time. Here's what he had to say below.

Sin City' number two is primarily an adaptation of the book 'A Dame to Kill For'. It also features the short story, 'Just Another Saturday Night' and two new stories. One involving Jessica Alba's character, Nancy Callahan, that I came up with for the movie in order to tie things together and make it be more united with the first.

Well, it's good to hear that the long-gestating SIN CITY 2 is finally making progress.
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