Ever since CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER hits theaters about four months ago, a lot of people have speculated that the first movie's WWII setting will jumped into present day for the sequel. Well, it looks that way but unfortunately, it's not entirely so. According to screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely during press rounds with The HD Room, they have indicated that the sequel will be primarily set in the modern day. Here's what Markus had to say about the comment.
I think it's safe for us to say that it's primarily set in the modern day. That seems to have been the biggest question people have been wondering about regarding the sequel... [W]e've been left with room to explore Cap entering the modern day wondering, 'What is all this? What's happened to the world' and so on.
Additionally, here is McFeely's point-of-view:
We made a movie where the world was in context for Steve Rogers. It was a movie where it was a more pure time, where there were clearly black-and-white, right-and-wrong, good-and-evil scenarios. And Cap is a guy who symbolizes that. Now he's in the now, and there is nothing black-and-white. So what do you do with that guy? How does he react to a much more uncertain time? So you're given this huge new palate to work with, but you can keep him the same.