Justin Bieber graces the cover of Seventeen magazine May 2012 issue. check out the Highlights below with awesome looks!
On his role model: "Usher is who I look to for guidance. From the beginning, he told me to put family first and you'll always succeed, because your family will never leave you. He told me to always stay humble and never forget where I came from."
On his role model: "Usher is who I look to for guidance. From the beginning, he told me to put family first and you'll always succeed, because your family will never leave you. He told me to always stay humble and never forget where I came from."
On his fears: "Losing a family member is my biggest fear. I've never lost anyone, so I don't know what the feeling would be. It would just be scary."
On his relationship with Selena Gomez: "I'm just trying to make her happy, that's all. I think it's important to make all women feel like they're princesses, because every girl is a princess. I'm serious."
On growing up: "A lot of times, when artists grow older, they lose their younger fans because they're just trying to get older fans. But if you try to make good music, then you'll just appease everybody. I just want to make music that's good for everybody."