Mani Ratnam who is introducing Karthik's son in the lead role in the movie "Pookadai" has finally signed Samantha to play the female lead in this movie. Well, since a few days this news is making rounds that Samantha might play the female lead and now it's official that she is playing the female lead in this movie.
Well, Samantha has been called for a screen test to play the female lead few months back but then she was failed and so they started searching for another actress. But looks like they haven't found any one better than her so they have zeroed Samantha in the lead role. When asked about this Samantha has said that it's her dream to work with such a great director and now it's coming true. The shooting of the movie will start from February 1st,2012 and the first schedule of the movie will be for 40 days shooting around Muttom near Kanya Kumari. A.R Rahman is composing tracks for this movie.